Digital Arms + Zev

Digital Arms is an NFT trading platform for firearm, gaming, and hunting enthusiasts. is making it possible to buy branded NFT firearms. The Marketplace is a revolutionary platform at the cutting edge of the digital revolution, specializing in the minting, trading, and utilization of licensed firearms NFTs.

Project: NFT Launch Promo


In addition to the creation of NFT assets, Digital Arms asked us to create some 3D/digital promo videos for the collaboration announcement and launch of the Zev Technologies NFTs. They wanted to achieve hyper-realistic texturing of the firearm grip, and showcase the NFT asset in a looping video.


The resulting loop video was the outcome of an intense effort to match Zev's custom firearm grip texture, in a 3D scene that would highlight the brand's bold red identity. The video now lives as the hero image of Digital Arms' homepage. We'd call that a win.